Santa’s Sparkling Smile: How He Keeps His Dentures Bright

Santa’s Sparkling Smile: How He Keeps His Dentures Bright

We all know Santa Claus, the jolly, white-bearded bringer of gifts. But did you know that he also wears dentures? Yes, that’s right! And he trusts the Community Denture Centre in Penticton to keep them in tip-top shape. So, how does Santa keep his dentures bright and sparkling? In this blog post, we’ll spill the beans on his secret.
First and foremost, Santa maintains a strict oral hygiene regimen. He brushes his remaining teeth and dentures twice a day with a soft-bristled brush and non-abrasive toothpaste. He also flosses his teeth and rinses his mouth with antiseptic mouthwash. These habits prevent the buildup of plaque and harmful bacteria that can stain and damage his dentures.
In addition to these basic practices, Santa visits the Community Denture Centre regularly for professional cleanings and checkups. Our skilled denturists use ultrasonic technology to remove stubborn stains and buildup without damaging the denture surface. They also examine Santa’s gums and oral tissues for any signs of infection or disease that could affect his denture fit and comfort.
Being the sweet-toothed person that he is, Santa loves his candy canes, gingerbread cookies, and hot cocoa. But these treats can leave stubborn stains on his dentures if not cleaned properly. To avoid this, Santa rinses his mouth with water or brushes his dentures after eating sugary or acidic foods. He also avoids chewing on hard, sticky, or crunchy foods that can damage his dentures or dislodge them from his mouth.
family at the table during christmas
Santa likes to keep his dentures fresh and odour-free, especially during his busy Christmas Eve ride. To achieve this, he soaks his dentures overnight in a solution of water and denture cleanser. He also avoids smoking and drinking alcohol, as these can leave unsavory smells on his dentures and mouth.
Finally, Santa has a great sense of humour and doesn’t take himself too seriously. He embraces his dentures as part of his unique personality and uses them to make children laugh and smile. He also knows that dentures are not just for seniors but for anyone who wants to enjoy a healthy, confident smile. That’s why he encourages everyone to visit the Community Denture Centre and experience the same quality care and attention that he receives.

Santa may be famous for his red suit and white beard, but his sparkling dentures are just as impressive. By following a simple daily routine of brushing, flossing, and soaking, and by visiting the Community Denture Centre for professional care, Santa keeps his dentures bright and beautiful. So, if you or someone you know wears dentures, remember Santa’s tips and make sure to maintain good oral hygiene and regular checkups. After all, a healthy, confident smile is the best gift you can give yourself.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from your friends at the Community Denture Centre.

Further reading: Take Advantage of Our Free Denture Consultations

How Much Do Dentures Cost? Everything You Need to Know

How Much Do Dentures Cost? Everything You Need to Know

Dentures can be a life-changing solution for people with missing or damaged teeth. They can restore your smile, improve your oral health, and boost your confidence. However, dentures are not a one-size-fits-all solution, and the cost of dentures can be a major concern for many people. In this blog post, we will break down the factors that affect the cost of dentures and provide you with a clear idea of what you can expect to pay.
One of the main factors that affect the cost of dentures is the material they are made of. There are two types of denture materials: acrylic and porcelain. Acrylic dentures are often less expensive than porcelain ones because they are easier to fabricate and repair. However, porcelain dentures are more durable and lifelike, offering a more natural appearance.
Number of Teeth:
The number of teeth you need to be replaced will also impact the cost of dentures. If you require a full denture to replace all of your teeth, it will cost more than if you only need a partial denture. A full denture will require more materials, time, and expertise to create and fit properly.
Design & Fabrication:
The design and fabrication of your dentures will also influence the cost. Dentures that require a more customized design, specialized molds, or additional appointments to ensure a perfect fit will cost more than a standard denture. Additionally, if your dentures require repair or maintenance, this will add to the overall cost.
elderly woman having a drink on the ski hill
How Your Dentures Will Be Fixed:
Finally, the way your dentures will be fixed will also affect the overall cost. Dentures can be fixed in two ways: with clasps or with dental implants. Dental implants offer a more permanent solution than clasps and are often preferred by patients. However, they are also more expensive. If you require dentures fixed with dental implants, you can expect to pay a higher cost.
In conclusion, the cost of dentures can vary greatly depending on several factors, including the material, number of teeth, design and fabrication, and how your dentures will be fixed. However, no matter what type of dentures you choose, our commitment to providing quality, comfortable, and natural-looking tooth replacement solutions remains the same. At our practice in Penticton, we are dedicated to helping our patients achieve a healthy, beautiful smile that lasts a lifetime. Please contact us today to learn more about our denture solutions and get a clear idea of what you can expect to pay.

Blending Science and Art to Create Personalized Dentures

Regain confidence in your smile with functional, well-fitting dentures from the caring and experienced denturists at Community Denture Centre in Penticton. With over 70 years of combined experience, we are the South Okanagan’s home for complete and partial dentures, relines, repairs and more.

Further reading: Looking for reliable denture services? We welcome new patients!

The Ultimate Guide to Denture Fitting in Penticton

The Ultimate Guide to Denture Fitting in Penticton

Dentures can drastically improve your quality of life, allowing you to eat, speak and smile with confidence. However, the process of getting your dentures fitted can seem overwhelming and confusing, leaving many people with questions about the procedure. That is why we have created this ultimate guide to denture fitting in Penticton, so you can be informed and prepared for the process.
The first step in getting your dentures fitted is tooth removal. This process can be daunting for many people, but it is essential to ensure that your new dentures fit properly. Once your teeth have been removed, dental impressions will be taken to create a mold of your mouth. This is an essential step in creating dentures that fit comfortably and securely in your mouth.
After the dental impressions have been taken, bite molds will be created. Bite molds are designed to ensure that your dentures are comfortable and provide a functional bite. These molds are used to create a wax model of your dentures – this is where you’ll get an idea of how your new teeth will look and function!
Once the wax model has been created, your final dentures will be fitted. During this process, any necessary adjustments will be made to ensure that your dentures are a perfect fit. This includes making sure that your new dentures don’t slip or move around in your mouth – ensuring that they remain reasonably secure at all times.
Finally, it is important to remember that getting used to your new dentures will take time and patience. Your dentist may recommend that you start with soft and easy-to-eat foods before you work your way up to more challenging items. Be sure to communicate with us regularly, letting us know about any discomfort or adjustments you may need.
couple biking down the road
If you are considering dentures or have recently committed to getting them, it is important to be informed and prepared for the process. Dental appointments may seem scary, but the result will ultimately change your life for the better. Denture fitting in Penticton doesn’t need to be complicated – with the right denturist and information, you can smile with confidence in no time!

What We Do:

  • Complete Dentures
  • Partial Dentures
  • Immediate Dentures
  • Dentures Supported by Implants
  • Full and Partial Denture Relines
  • Processed Soft Linings
  • Denture Repairs
  • Free Consultation
  • In-House Lab

Blending Science and Art to Create Personalized Dentures

Regain confidence in your smile with functional, well-fitting dentures from the caring and experienced denturists at Community Denture Centre in Penticton. With over 70 years of combined experience, we are the South Okanagan’s home for complete and partial dentures, relines, repairs and more.

Further reading: Reasons to Choose Implant-Supported Dentures

Denture Repair: How A Denturist Can Rebase Your Dentures

Denture Repair: How A Denturist Can Rebase Your Dentures

As a denture wearer in Penticton, the last thing you want is for your dentures to be uncomfortable or not fit properly. After years of wear, it is common for dentures to require repair and maintenance. One of the most effective ways to ensure your dentures fit more comfortably is through a denture rebase. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at what a denture rebase involves, and how it can help improve the fit and comfort of your dentures.

What is a denture rebase?

Denture rebasing is a process by which the base of the dentures is replaced with new acrylic material. This is necessary when there has been a change in the shape of the gums due to bone loss or other factors. Over time, dentures can become loose or uncomfortable due to changes in the shape of the jawbone or gums. A denture rebase can help to restore the fit of your dentures and make them more comfortable to wear.

How is a denture rebase performed?

The process of rebasing dentures involves several steps. The first step is to create a cast of your mouth. This provides an accurate representation of the shape of your gums and mouth. Once the cast has been made, the denture is removed from its base and replaced with a new one made from acrylic material. This material is carefully molded to fit the contours of your gums and mouth. Finally, the denture is polished and refitted to your mouth to ensure a comfortable and secure fit.

What are the benefits of a denture rebase?

The primary benefit of a denture rebase is improved comfort and fit. Over time, your dentures may become loose or uncomfortable to wear due to changes in the shape of your gums. A denture rebase can help to restore the fit of your dentures and eliminate any discomfort you may be experiencing. In addition, rebasing your dentures can help to extend the life of your dentures by replacing the base material.

How often should you have your dentures rebased?

The frequency with which you should have your dentures rebased varies depending on your individual circumstances. In general, dentures should be rebased every 2-3 years to ensure a proper fit. However, if you experience any discomfort or notice that your dentures are slipping or sliding when you eat or talk, you should see your dentist right away.
senior couple on a beach smiling

Who can perform a denture rebase?

A denture rebase is a specialized procedure that should only be performed by a qualified dental professional. Dentists who specialize in denture care are trained to perform this procedure and can help ensure the best possible outcome. When choosing a dentist to perform a denture rebase, be sure to look for someone with experience and expertise in this area.
If you are experiencing discomfort or difficulty wearing your dentures, a denture rebase may be the solution you need. This process involves replacing the base of your dentures with new acrylic material that is molded to fit the shape of your gums and mouth. Not only can this help to restore the fit and comfort of your dentures, but it can also extend their lifespan. If you are in Penticton and need denture care, be sure to choose a qualified dental professional who specializes in this area. With proper care and maintenance, your dentures can continue to provide you with a secure, comfortable smile for years to come.
What We Do:
  • Complete Dentures
  • Partial Dentures
  • Immediate Dentures
  • Dentures Supported by Implants
  • Full and Partial Denture Relines
  • Processed Soft Linings
  • Denture Repairs
  • Free Consultation
  • In-House Lab

Blending Science and Art to Create Personalized Dentures

Regain confidence in your smile with functional, well-fitting dentures from the caring and experienced denturists at Community Denture Centre in Penticton. With over 70 years of combined experience, we are the South Okanagan’s home for complete and partial dentures, relines, repairs and more.

Further reading: Reasons to Choose Implant-Supported Dentures

Reasons to Choose Implant-Supported Dentures

Reasons to Choose Implant-Supported Dentures

Denture wearers often face many challenges, such as messy adhesives, an inability to eat certain types of food, and the potential for bone loss in the jaw. However, thanks to advancements in dental technology, implant-supported dentures have become a viable solution. In this article, we’ll dive deeper into what implant-supported dentures are and why they may be the perfect option for you.
Implant-supported dentures are comprised of artificial roots and teeth that are fixed in place via dental implant surgery. The implants act as a sturdy foundation for the denture, which is attached to the implants. This not only ensures that your dentures stay securely in place but also provides a more natural appearance and improved functionality. Traditional dentures, on the other hand, can slip and move around, which can lead to discomfort, embarrassment, and difficulty eating and speaking.
One significant benefit of implant-supported dentures is the elimination of messy adhesives. Adhesives can be unreliable and messy, often leading to embarrassment and discomfort. With implant-supported dentures, you do not need to worry about constantly applying adhesive to keep your dentures in place.
Another advantage of implant-supported dentures is that you can brush your teeth normally. Traditional dentures require removal and soaking, which can be time-consuming and challenging. With implant-supported dentures, you can simply brush and floss your teeth as you normally would. This makes maintaining your oral health far easier and more convenient.
Perhaps one of the most significant benefits of implant-supported dentures is that they enable you to eat the foods you love without restriction. Traditional dentures prevent wearers from consuming certain hard or sticky foods, which can be frustrating and disappointing. However, with implant-supported dentures, you can once again enjoy eating your favorite foods without worry.
senior man with grey hair smiling
Finally, bone loss in the jaw can be reduced by dental implant surgery, which can help to maintain your facial structure. This is because dental implants are placed directly into the jawbone, providing support and stimulating bone growth. Traditional dentures, however, can lead to bone loss over time, which can cause changes in facial structure and affect the fit of your dentures.
Implant-supported dentures have many advantages over traditional dentures. They are more secure, do not require messy adhesives, enable more natural oral hygiene, allow you to eat the foods you love, and can even help to avoid bone loss in the jaw. If you’re looking for a comfortable and reliable denture solution, implant-supported dentures are definitely worth considering. Speak with your dentist today to determine if implant-supported dentures are the right option for you.

Blending Science and Art to Create Personalized Dentures

Regain confidence in your smile with functional, well-fitting dentures from the caring and experienced denturists at Community Denture Centre in Penticton. With over 70 years of combined experience, we are the South Okanagan’s home for complete and partial dentures, relines, repairs and more.

Further reading: We welcome new patients!

Temperature Sensitivity and Your Dentures – Tips on Staying Comfortable

Temperature Sensitivity and Your Dentures – Tips on Staying Comfortable

When you have dentures, it’s essential to stay aware of how different temperatures can affect your comfort. Changes in temperature can cause dentures to shift or even become painful, which can make it hard to eat and talk or even lead to sore spots. Therefore, this blog is going to go over some helpful tips on how to stay comfortable regardless of the temperature changes. Whether you live in a dry climate or are visiting somewhere with extreme temperatures, these tips will help you stay comfortable and maintain your normal activities.

Keep Your Dentures Moist

Dryness is one of the main causes of discomfort when wearing dentures, and it can easily occur in hot or dry environments. Moisture is crucial to keep your dentures in place and avoid slipping or irritation. You can make use of denture adhesive or soaking them in water to keep them moist regularly. You can also use a damp cloth and gently wipe your gums to refresh the moisture in your mouth. Try to avoid hot or warm liquids as they can cause your dentures to expand and produce discomfort.

Avoid Extreme Temperatures

Drastic changes in temperature, whether hot or cold, can affect your dentures. Exposure to extreme heat or cold can cause your dentures to warp, making your bite uncomfortable. Therefore, try to keep your dentures away from extreme temperatures; avoid placing them in hot water or a microwave to sterilize them. Instead, use a denture cleaner or a denture brush and rinse them with cold water.

Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water is essential to keep your mouth moist and support the denture’s stability. Dehydration, particularly in hot climates, can cause the mouth to dry out and cause irritation. Ensure you drink enough water throughout the day to keep yourself hydrated and avoid mouth dryness. Avoid alcohol and standing in the sun for extended periods, which can lead to dehydration.
Happy senior man and his grandson on the beach

Watch What You Eat

It’s essential to watch what you eat, especially when temperatures change. Hard, crunchy, or chewy foods can be more problematic because they require more force to bite and can put more pressure on your dentures, leading to discomfort. Avoid sticky foods like chewing gum or caramel that can get caught between the dentures or tongue. It is also best to avoid foods that are too hot or too cold, which can affect your dentures’ comfort.

Regular Dental Checkups

Going to your denturist twice a year for checkups and maintenance is essential for your overall oral health and your dentures’ comfort. Your dentist will check if your dentures fit well, look for any irritation, or sore spots, which could cause discomfort. They will also clean your dentures appropriately, keeping them in the best condition to avoid any dental issues.
Getting used to wearing dentures can be challenging, especially when it comes to temperature sensitivities. The tips provided in this blog post will help you stay comfortable, whether you live in a hot or cold climate. Maintaining your dentures’ moisture, avoiding extreme temperatures, staying hydrated, watching what you eat, and regular dental checkups can go a long way in keeping your dentures comfortable and maintaining your quality of life. We encourage you to put these tips into practice, so you can continue to enjoy your day-to-day activities without worrying about denture discomfort.

Blending Science and Art to Create Personalized Dentures

Regain confidence in your smile with functional, well-fitting dentures from the caring and experienced denturists at Community Denture Centre in Penticton. With over 70 years of combined experience, we are the South Okanagan’s home for complete and partial dentures, relines, repairs and more.

Further reading: We welcome new patients.